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Plant Growth Containers

Plantcon植物组织培养容器(无菌),PlantCon™ Plant Container

Plantcon植物组织培养容器(无菌),PlantCon™ Plant Container

PlantCon™容器由盖子和底部组成, 并具有用于气体交换的通风孔和可回收冷凝水的滴漏控制唇。 如果提供预先消毒的, 这些一次性的, 节省空间的容器是专门为最佳植物细胞培养应用而设计的。

Base for plantcon™ plant tissue culture container, 1 pack of 10

Base for plantcon™ plant tissue culture container, 1 pack of 10

The PlantCon™ container consists of a cover and a bottom, and features a vent for gas exchange, and a drip control lip to recycle condensation.

Cover for plantcon™ plant tissue culture container, 1 pack of 10

Cover for plantcon™ plant tissue culture container, 1 pack of 10

The PlantCon™ container consists of a cover and a bottom, and features a vent for gas exchange, and a drip control lip to recycle condensation. These disposable, space saving containers are specifically designed for optimal plant cell culture applications.

3 Items