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MagBeads游离DNA提取试剂盒(磁珠法);MagBeads Fast Circulating DNA Kit

MagBeads游离DNA提取试剂盒(磁珠法);MagBeads Fast Circulating DNA Kit

Key features and details

MagBeads Fast Circulating DNA Kit适用于从无细胞体液样本(如血浆、血清等)纯化高质量的游离DNA(cfDNA)。纯化后的DNA可直接用于下游实验,如PCR、qPCR、生物芯片分析、NGS等。

SKU: 116577192

Magnetic Bead Extraction, Magbead DNA Kit, High-throughput DNA Extraction Kit, 96-well DNA Extraction Kit
Packaging size:
192 preps
Product Description

MagBeads Fast Circulating DNA Kit采用高结合力的磁珠,样本经过裂解和消化,将DNA释放到裂解液中。加入磁珠和Binding Buffer后,DNA被吸附于磁珠表面,蛋白质和其他杂质不会被吸附。Wash Buffer去除多余的杂质,再用乙醇洗去多余盐分,最后用Elution Buffer洗脱DNA。

Application Notes

Circulating DNA or cell-free DNA (cfDNA) are fragments of nucleic acid that are released into the bloodstream due to cell death. They carry important genetic information from originating cells, making them valuable material for cancer diagnosis, liquid biopsy, patient organ health, and more. MagBeads Fast Circulating DNA Kit is designed for purification of high-quality circulating DNA from cell-free body fluids ranging in volume from 200 – 600 µL when operated manually, or up to 1 mL when using automated workflows.

Usage Statement

Research Use Only (RUO)

Key Applications

Genomics; Molecular Biology, PCR, qPCR, arrays, NGS, Shotgun sequencing 

SKU 116577192
Alternate Names Magnetic Bead Extraction, Magbead DNA Kit, High-throughput DNA Extraction Kit, 96-well DNA Extraction Kit
Application Notes Circulating DNA or cell-free DNA (cfDNA) are fragments of nucleic acid that are released into the bloodstream due to cell death. They carry important genetic information from originating cells, making them valuable material for cancer diagnosis, liquid biopsy, patient organ health, and more. MagBeads Fast Circulating DNA Kit is designed for purification of high-quality circulating DNA from cell-free body fluids ranging in volume from 200 – 600 µL when operated manually, or up to 1 mL when using automated workflows.
Base Catalog Number 6577192
Brand MagBeads
Components 9 mL Magbeads Particles F, 180 mg Proteinase K, 10 mL Protease Buffer, 310 µg Carrier RNA, 250 mL Buffer MLK, 250 mL Buffer MAW1, 2 x 50 mL Buffer MW2, 60 mL Elution Buffer.
Pack Size 192 preps
Personal Protective Equipment If working with biological, toxic, hazardous or infectious samples, use hand protection (Latex, Nitrile or other protective approved material gloves), skin and body protection (labcoat and long-sleeves), and eye protection (safety glasses with side-shields). Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices.
Storage Store at Room Temperature (15-30 °C) in a dry environment. Store Magnetic Beads at 2-8 ℃ upon arrival; do not freeze.
Usage Statement Research Use Only (RUO)

Certificate of Analysis (COA)



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